Cowans Sheldon

Cowans Sheldon, pioneers of state-of-the-art multi-tasking cranes and related rail equipment.
Since 1866, Cowans Sheldon has been a pioneer of modern railways, designing and producing state of the art multi-tasking cranes and related rail equipment.
Cowans Sheldon long welded rail transportation delivery and recovery systems are widely used in the UK rail industry, delivering 32 CEN60 type rails, 2 simultaneously either side of the train in lengths of up to 216m in a 3 hour possession period. In areas of heavy wear, the systems are capable of uplifting and transposing rail. Similarly, we can provide systems for the recovery of scrap rail of up to 18m in length along with sleepers, clips and other track debris. We also offer refurbishment and maintenance services.

Support Services
Keeping the rail network on the move relies on regular infrastructure maintenance and renewals. Clarke Chapman Facilities Management supports this ideology by providing 24-7-52 mobile maintenance for on track plant, wagons and equipment. Our experience in asset and facilities management is extensive bringing together expertise from different engineering sectors.